Saturday, February 2, 2013

Java Programming :How to add ten numbers using while loop and arrays.

Java Programming :How to add ten numbers using while loop and arrays.

Step 1:
declare and initialize 3 variables. integer i as counter and integer sum.

Step 2:
declare and initialize array integer type, size of the array is ten.

Step 3: while loop to generate the numbers and add the numbers.

Step 4:
Print out the result.

Full code below :

// How to add 10 numbers using while

public class AddTenNumbers{
public static void main(String[] args){
int i = 0 ; // as counter
int sum = 0 ; // sum up the total
int number[] = new int[10]; // use array to generate ten numbers

// use while to generate the numbers and sum up the numbers

while( i < 10){

// Generate the 10 numbers
number[i] = i + 1 ;

// SUm the numbers
sum = sum + number[i];

i++; // forget this


// Print the sum

System.out.println("SUmmation of 1 till 10 is : " + sum);


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